Celebrating 20 Years at Stone Barns Learn about our mission
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Botanical Beverages

Spend your Saturday afternoons sipping seasonal cocktails made by the Blue Hill beverage team. Elevate your bartending skills by learning how to source and utilize seasonal ingredients. Classes begin with a farmer-led tour of Stone Barns, followed by a seated cocktail demo with light snacks.

January | ROOT: mokum carrots

February | DIG: root vegetables
March | TAP: maple sap and syrup

April | FORAGE: ramps and sassafras

May | BLOSSOM: flowers and herbs
June | EXTRACT: SBC honey
July | PLUCK: berries from the field

August | UMAMI: heirloom and modern tomatoes
September | HEAT: carmen and habanada peppers

October | WINNOW: fall grains and ottofile corn
November | CURE: honeynut squash
December | FERMENT: preserves and pickles


To learn more about membership levels, click here.

For information on planning for your visit, including COVID-19 safety protocols, click here.


Photo by Luis Ruiz

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